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Micromanaging is a faulty management technique where a manager tries to control every aspect of his or her employees work. It’s no surprise that the term has a negative connotation, but it’s more common than you might think. Let’s dive into who micromanagement keeps employees from doing their job well and limits the company potential as a whole.

Employees will be Less Likely to Communicate

When your employees feel like they are constantly being watched and judged for their actions, there is a good chance they will stop checking in completely. They will assume their manager already knows what they are doing and will try to avoid questioning and more oversight. This will eventually completely destroy the communication between supervisor and employee, which will cause major problems if an issue arises and the employee feels they can’t discuss it with their manager.

Lack of Autonomy will Slow Production

When dealing with any work task, an employee needs a certain amount of freedom to take the project and run with it. That does not mean you should not provide any instructions or feedback. It also does not mean you should not expect your employee to check in along the way. A strong manager can give an employee direction and trust them to work through the project alone. A good employee will go to the manager with questions. Include a smart project plan with regular check ins to keep everyone on the same page.

Both You and Your Employees will Burn Out

Burnout is a very real problem in most industries. It happens when the workload is heavy, expectations are outrageously high, and stress is constantly being piled on. Micromanagement adds to all of those factors. Employees will feel like they have to constantly be moving and producing. Sooner or later, they will crash. As a manager, you will likely feel the burden of doing your own job along with overseeing every aspect of every task from your employees. Productivity will dramatically decrease for everyone involved.

Employees Will Grow Dependent

If an employee becomes used to being micromanaged, it can severely affect their ability to get work done on their own. They may develop a confidence issue at work, assuming that they do not have the skills to handle a project on their own. It’s important for managers to remember that every employee was hired because of their skillset and their ability to handle the job. Giving them the freedom to work through tasks on their own will allow for creativity and efficiency for both of you.

You will Experience a High Turnover Rate

Being micromanaged can be exhausting. Highly qualified employees most likely won’t spend time in a position where they feel they’re being held back, too closely monitored, or not trusted by their manager. They might feel like they are expected to give 100 percent effort at all times, which is unrealistic in the long term. When you’re constantly losing employees and bringing in replacements, there is no way for the company to be productive.

Improving communication among all levels of your company can greatly reduce the likelihood of micromanagement and help your employees become more productive.

Curious to see how you can eliminate micromanaging in the workplace?

Read our previous post on eliminating micromanaging here.