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backstitch Company Blog (blog.backstitch.io)

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Employee Engagement Company Culture

Do Your Hourly Employees Have a Smartphone?

It can be easy to justify not engaging in certain investments in your workplace, such as an employee app, when you believe that a significant portion ...

Internal Communications

5 Steps to Building an Internal Communications Campaign

Employee engagement is a major issue facing many firms in the United States. The 2017 Gallup State of the American Workplace report found that only 33...

Human Resources HR Law

Top Employment Law Changes for June 2019

Welcome to the backstitch HR law blog, a new series where we will provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Our blog ...

Employee Engagement

How to Build an Employee Marketing Campaign

When a company rolls out any new internal communications systems, such as backstitch, it is extremely important that they also have a steady stream of...

Internal Communications Human Resources Company Culture

Build Your Brand From The Inside Out

Why HR and marketing should join forces for powerful internal communication

Internal Communications

How to Solve Communication Challenges in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is vital to almost every economy around the world. For any business that produces a physical product, they need someone to ...

Internal Communications

5 Ways to Use Push Notifications in Internal Communications

There are many different ways a company could choose to communicate with their employees. While email, paper, and verbal communication have their plac...

Employee Benefits

Top Benefits and Perks to Offer Hourly Employees

Most companies tend to have a wide range of employees, including salaried, freelance, and hourly. Salaried employees often get the best kind of workpl...

Employee Benefits

Why Employees are Not Utilizing Your Telemedicine Program

As technology evolves, it has made many previously time-consuming tasks much more efficient. One of the tasks that have been vastly improved by techno...

Human Resources

Why You Should Switch Your Employee Agreements to Electronic Signature

Despite recent efforts of companies to become more digitally streamlined and environmentally friendly many departments such as HR continue to have a m...