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Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee Engagement Company Culture

Encourage Employees to Use Their Wellness Benefits Over the Holidays

This time of year is meant to be a joyous occasion, but there's always some caveats. Whether your employees’ holiday season is filled with countless f...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee Engagement Total Rewards Statements

Make Your Job Offer Stand Out with Total Reward Statements

With the advent of new tech solutions, job requirements, objectives and roles are changing for good. Job applicants gravitate towards employers that o...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee Engagement

Why This is the Year to Make Your Open Enrollment Guide Fully Digital

If your HR department is stuck in the paper age, it might be time to consider making the move to electronic documents. From employee preferences to co...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Multigenerational Workforce Future of work Employee Engagement Company Culture Corporate Social Responsibility Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

What to Know About Hiring and Retaining Gen Z Employees

Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, has the potential to become the most diverse cohort in the US workforce. Their ethnic and racial diver...

Internal Communications Employee Benefits Employee Engagement

Can a Content Calendar Help for Open Enrollment Communications?

It’s almost open enrollment time again, and if you are like many human resources professionals, it probably snuck up on you. Naturally, you want the h...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee App

Our Favorite Resources to Add to Your HR Toolkit

We are big fans of having a deep and diverse toolkit at backstitch. Since our employee app can collect different content across multiple channels, wor...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Multigenerational Workforce Future of work Employee Engagement Total Rewards Statements Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Make Pay Transparency Work for You with Total Compensation Statements

If you thought pay transparency was a trend that would soon be forgotten about, you might be surprised to learn 17 states have now passed some form of...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee Engagement Total Rewards Statements

Total Reward Statements Help Manufacturing Hire and Keep Workers

For the past several decades, manufacturing has been experiencing a decline in their workforce. While many industries have had major turnover in the l...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Benefits Future of work Employee Engagement HR Documents Employee App

Organize Employee Benefits Better on the Intranet

Many companies rely on an intranet to host important content and keep employees engaged. They typically contain HR documents, operations manuals and c...

Human Resources Employee Benefits Corporate Social Responsibility Employee App

How to Host Employee Benefits Content on Your Company Intranet

Your intranet can be a powerful tool for your company. It streamlines communication and provides a ton of resources in an easy to access location. It’...