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backstitch Company Blog (blog.backstitch.io)

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Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee Engagement Total Rewards Statements

Why You Should Help Employees Understand Their Compensation Plan

A true compensation plan provides more value to employees than just a mere salary. It provides them knowledge and peace of mind.

Human Resources Total Rewards Statements

Communicate Deferred Compensation with Total Rewards Statements

Employees need a straightforward way of viewing the details of their money coming in — and of their money that gets held back. Some might understand s...

Human Resources HR Law

Employment Law Changes for January 2021

The backstitch HR law blog is a monthly series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Our blog series wil...

Human Resources HR Law

Employment Law Changes for 2021

Welcome to the backstitch HR law blog, a series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Our blog series wi...

Human Resources Company Culture

Best Ways to Hire Holiday Temp Employees During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There may be a global pandemic happening, but that doesn’t mean that companies should place any less emphasis on holiday sales. In fact, many companie...

Internal Communications Human Resources

2020 Internal Communication Trends

An increasing number of companies are realizing that maintaining a strong internal communications network is a vital component of team and organizatio...

Human Resources HR Law

Employment Law Changes for October 2020

Welcome to the backstitch HR law blog, a series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Our blog series wi...

Internal Communications Human Resources Future of work

You Just Purchased an Employee App. Now What?

It’s easy to get a new gadget out of the box and then struggle to figure out how to use all of its high tech features. For instance, while many people...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Engagement

Workplace Communication Is More Than Just Its Medium

Many companies are developing on-the-fly return to work plans and making unprecedented decisions regarding whether to keep all or part of their workfo...

Human Resources HR Law

Employment Law Changes for September 2020

Welcome to the backstitch HR law blog, a series where we provide the latest updates on upcoming and recently in-effect legislation. Our blog series wi...