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Internal Communications Employee Engagement Company Culture Newsletters Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Celebrate Your Employees in the Company Newsletter This Holiday Season

The holidays are around the corner, and that can change expectations around the workplace. While this time of year brings about great stress, it can a...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Engagement

Empower HR to Address Economic Uncertainty for Your Employees

2022 is coming to a close, and the events of the year have led many to believe that economic troubles are on the 2023 horizon. Rounds of layoffs and p...

Internal Communications Future of work Employee App

The Future of Employee Tools is Mobile First

These days, many apps are designed to fit a mobile phone screen before anything else. For a lot of developers, this is because it is easier to design ...

Internal Communications Human Resources Future of work Employee App

Make Your Employee Portal a One Stop Shop

Flexibility in the workplace has given employees many different options. Remote options have given them control on where and when they work. BYOD allo...

Internal Communications Human Resources Employee Benefits Employee Engagement

Why This is the Year to Make Your Open Enrollment Guide Fully Digital

If your HR department is stuck in the paper age, it might be time to consider making the move to electronic documents. From employee preferences to co...

Internal Communications Employee Benefits Employee Engagement

Can a Content Calendar Help for Open Enrollment Communications?

It’s almost open enrollment time again, and if you are like many human resources professionals, it probably snuck up on you. Naturally, you want the h...

Internal Communications Human Resources HR Documents

Top Industries to Go Paperless

In 2022, a standard workplace environment still goes through many stacks of paper. Whether it’s invoices, reports or crucial HR documents, the use of ...

Internal Communications Employee Engagement Company Culture

Rethink How You Design Your Internal Communications

How many times a day do you get a text, email, or notification? And how many times do you skim over it without really digesting the message? Chances a...

Internal Communications Human Resources Multigenerational Workforce Future of work Employee Engagement Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Employee App

Why Mobile Accessibility is a Must Have for Your Intranet

Too many companies have operated with the assumption that people don’t have a computer in their pocket. However, many possess the ability to access an...

Internal Communications Human Resources Company Culture

How HR Can Communicate your Company's Core Values When Recruiting

A lot has changed in the job market these past few years. Both recruiters and job seekers had to deal with freezes, layoffs and job booms. Now, it is ...