Futuro Sólido

Partner Portal

backstitch & Futuro Sólido Partner Program

Futuro Sólido is very excited to partner with backstitch, the most innovative and effective platform available today for delivering high-impact employee communications.

This partnership combines Futuro Sólido's out-of-the-box engaging content (designed to on-board Spanish-speaking employees with employer initiatives) and backstitch's proven delivery channel with user friendly features and analytics.

We are confident that we are providing the best employee engagement solution available for large employers of remote and multilingual workforces.

About backstitch:

  • Offers 3 products: Studio (Content Creator), Reader (Employee App) and Total Rewards Statements (TRS)
  • Successful client profile:
    • Large groups (300+)
    • Hard-to-reach and distributed workforces
    • Hourly/salary, office/frontline, union/non-union

About Futuro Sólido:

  • Offers streamlined, cost-effective, deadline-driven process for written translation
  • Specializes in effective communication for employers of Spanish speakers and their benefits brokers including:
    • Benefits Light Bulb video series
    • Customized or off-the-shelf communication pieces
    • Leadership and communication training for bilingual supervisors

Common Communication Challenges:

  • Poor engagement with multilingual populations
  • Lack bandwidth to create engaging content, especially for speakers of other languages
  • Poor benefits program participation (Wellness, Voluntary, 401k)
  • Poor compliance with safety regulations
  • No analytics to track engagement
  • Breakdown resulting from relying on bilingual supervisors, who lack the support needed to convey employer messages effectively

Integrations: Outlook, Sharepoint, HRIS, Ben Admin, Payroll, Cloud Storage and more

Next Steps

1. Download solution summary and client outcomes resources.

2. Schedule time for a web demo with Melissa Burkhart at Futuro Sólido: melissab@futurosolidousa.com

3. Register for the Futuro Sólido partner newsletter below:

Register for Updates


Schedule Client Demo

backstitch - Solution Summary

Futuro Sólido - HR Solutions

Futuro Sólido - Benefits Light Bulbs

Futuro Sólido - For Benefits Brokers

Client Outcomes