August Monthly Post: How to Sleep Better At Night

Share tips to help employees get a better night's sleep!

Let's face it, we live in stressful times. Featuring content on healthy sleep habits can help employees who may be struggling through restless nights while it also highlights your wellness program. 

Encourage employees to comment and interact with one of our August Monthly Posts "How to Sleep Better at Night"

💡 Ideas to use "How to Sleep Better at Night" - Encourage interaction with your Post!

  • Send out a push notification, email, and publish this Post on the home page and in the wellness section of your app. 

  • Have employees comment on the Post answering the question: "What is your secret to a great night's sleep?" Do this by adding the question at the end of the Post. Make sure it is bright and bold so employees don't miss it!

  • Use the Vanity Email feature to allow employees to Post the best sleeping tips they've tried. Encourage them to talk about their own experiences and what helped them. Ask them to explain how they customized their space to promote quality sleep.

  •  Create a "30-Day Device-Free Bedroom" challenge encouraging employees to power down their phones, tablets, TVs, and other electronics while in their sleep space. Create a Topic for support and discussion.

Need help coordinating the campaign or want ideas on the best ways for this to fit your audience? Contact your CS Manager or email to get the conversation started!