HipChat Configuration

Great news! If your company already uses apps like HipChat to communicate regularly, you don't have to go anywhere! backstitch can send messages right to the HipChat app, so there is no need to change your communication methods.

If you are anywhere in backstitch Studio:

  • Click the dropdown menu at the top right of your page (next to your name). Then click the [Contact Manager] option.
  • From there, select [Settings] at the top right of your screen, right below the banner.
  • Scroll down to [HipChat]. You can tell if your HipChat is already connected if there are buttons that say [Unauthorize] and [Reauthorize].
    • If it's not currently connected, you will enter your API Key next to the Account field.
  • If you need more information on how to find your Account API Key with HipChat, you can select the [question mark] icon, under the field to fill out HipChat information.
  • Enter your API Key, click [Authorize] and you are done setting up!

Once you are ready to send to HipChat, click here to follow the steps.
