Toggling between Translated Posts in Reader

Easily access information in multiple languages with a click of a button.

✅ How to Set It Up

howtotranslateStep 1: Translate the Post

    1. Log in to Studio
    2. Once you land in Post Manager, click the 3 dots in the bottom right side of a Post
    3. Click [Duplicate]
    4. Click [Edit] on the duplicated Post and edit the title
      1. Note: Your duplicated Post is shown at the very end of the Posts in a category, so you may need to scroll to the bottom to find your new Post. The duplicated Post will have 'Copy' in the title.
    5. In Studio Post Manager click on the 3 dots in the bottom right side of the duplicated Post
    6. Click [Translate]
    7. Choose which translator you would like to use
      • Note: Google is the default translator
    8. Type or Search for the language you want to translate to
    9. Click [Translate]


Step 2: Add the 'Click to View in 'translated' verbiage to the translated Post

    1. Publish the English version of the Post (See 'How do I Publish to a Topic?')
    2. Copy the link to the English Post you've published in Reader
    3. In Studio Post Manager, click [Edit] on the translated Post
    4. At the bottom of the Post, add "Click here to view in English" verbiage
    5. Highlight the new verbiage and find the [Insert Link] icon; paste the link into the box
    6. Publish the translated Post to a hidden Topic
      1. Learn more about Hidden Topics here!


Step 3: Add the translate option to the English Post

    1. Copy the link to the translated Post in Reader
    2. In Studio Post Manager, click [Edit] on the English Post
    3. At the bottom of the Post, add the "Click here to view the (translated language) version" verbiage
    4. On the left side of the copy, click on the 3 dots and choose [Translate] to translate the sentence
    5. Highlight the word translated 'click here' verbiage and click the [Insert Link] icon; paste the link into the box
    6. Re-Publish the English Post 


💡You can apply this technique for other purposes as well!

Try out these ideas

Link between benefits-related Posts

  • Add a button to quickly view medical, dental, and vision information for quicker group viewing.

Give employees more resources

  • Link to a Post filled with related resources such as PDFs, videos, images, etc. 

Organize your learning development

  • Learning development can be very extensive with multiple layers. Make it easier by layering some of the content so it takes the viewer to the correct place!