If you are having trouble receiving your emails from backstitch Studio, follow these steps to fix this problem.
To fix this issue, try reauthorizing your email account. Begin in Studio Post Manager.
- Click on the [Contact Manager] from the dropdown menu.
- Select [Settings] at the top right of your screen, right below the blue header.
- If you use Outlook for your email client, scroll down to [Outlook] and select [Reauthorize]. From there, login with your username and password.
- Do not [Unauthorize] as this task deletes existing Contact Groups you have created.
- If you are using an Alias email address, be sure that email address is showing after "Publish From".
4. Test if the reauthorization worked by Publishing a Post to your email address.
If you use Gmail for your email client, scroll down to [Gmail] and select [Reauthorize]. From there, login with your username and password.
- Do not [Unauthorize] as this task deletes existing Contact Groups you have created. If you are using an Alias email address, be sure that email address is showing after "Publish From".
- Test if the reauthorization worked by Publishing a Post to your email address.