Publishing Emails to Sources or Topics

If you are looking to Publish some quick content, this is an easy, foolproof way to do exactly that!

First, click here if you do not know how to find a Source's email address.

Now, here are some tips and tricks on how to use that email to publish your content.


Pro Tip: if you want to edit the original 'vanity' email address, just click the [pencil] icon.

  • After you copy the email address, from the backstitch app in the correct Source, return to the email you want to Publish, and paste it in the "To" email address.
  • Before you 'Publish' your email, remember these tips and tricks:
    • Title of the Post/message: the subject line of the email is used for the title of the Post/message.
    • Date of the Post: automatically displays on the Post and depicts the date the email was 'published'. Select the checkbox next to "Hide Timestamp" to remove the date.
    • Posts are published to the appropriate Topic where the 'vanity' email was configured.
    • All text in the body of the email is shown in the Post. 

Pro Tip: Remove email signatures before publishing.

    • For graphics or images to appear in the Post, they must be pasted in the 'body' of the email.SendingEmail
    • When enabling the Post to show the image only in the Post, use one of two options when including the image in the email:
      1. Delete the email signature and add the image as an Attachment.
      • The app generates a Post in the configured Topic
      • The Post's Author shows the Sender's Name (e.g. Chris Jones ).
      2. Delete the email signature and add the image inside the body of the email
      • The app generates a Post in the configured Topic
      • The Post's Author shows the Sender's Email Address (e.g. via 'avatar icon')
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