September Monthly Post

Share tips on how to add self-care to your daily routine.

September is actually self-improvement month, celebrate it by sharing the best tips in adding self-care to their daily routine. Featuring this type of content is helpful in reminding your employees how important taking care of themselves is. Self-care comes in many different ways so showcase that in our template!  

Encourage employees to comment and interact with one of our September Monthly Posts "Add Self-Care to Your Daily Routine"

September Monthly Post 2

💡 Ideas to use "Add Self-Care to Your Daily Routine" - Encourage interaction with your Post!

  • Send out a push notification, email, and publish this Post on the home page and in the wellness section of your app. 

  • Have employees comment on the Post answering the question: "How do you add self-care to your routine?" Do this by adding the question at the end of the Post. Make sure it is bright and bold so employees don't miss it!

  • Start a discussion about self-care. This promotes two-way engagement and gets your employees talking to each other about their tips and tricks as well! Do this by using conversations, comments, or the vanity email. 

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Need help coordinating the campaign or want ideas on the best ways for this to fit your audience? Contact your CS Manager or email to get the conversation started!