Best Practices for Application Launch

Recommendations for how to effectively communicate to your employees for a successful launch!

Download a PDF version here - backstitch Best Practices: Application Launch


Recommendation #1: Email Campaign

  • Prior to launch, create an email campaign to periodically send to employees via
    backstitch Studio.
  • These emails remind employees of the launch, the app’s value, and any other steps you
    want your employees to take before, during, or after launch (i.e. attend launch party,
    enter contests, provide feedback, etc).
  • With backstitch Studio utilize templates, graphics and assets to enforce the app
    branding and design beautiful emails to catch your audience’s eyes. Review analytics
    to understand who is viewing the emails.
  • Example Email Campaign Schedule:
    • Six weeks before launch: send out emails once a week
    • Two weeks before launch: send out emails every other day
    • Post-launch: send out emails once a week for one month


Recommendation #2: Video Content

  • Make a video, or series of videos, to promote the app and send it to employees through
    your communication channels. Post videos from backstitch Studio both pre and post
    launch to capitalize on user engagement.
  • Easily digestible videos enable employees to learn about, see value in, and get excited about the app. Keep the videos short, simple, and targeted to increase views!
  • Example Videos:
    • App Demos
      • How to View Your Benefits
      • How to Navigate the App
    • Feature Highlights
      • Why You Should Use the “Conversation” Feature
    • Promotion from an Influential Person
      • A Word From the CEO


Recommendation #3: Crate a Hub for all App Launch Communications

  • Designate one place in which all communication about the app lives. Use a tab on your
    intranet, an internal Facebook page, or other location that your employees frequently visit.
  • This “Hub” should attain easy, direct links to download the app or go to the web version of the app. Using one central location also makes it easy for employees to stay updated on important information. *After the App Launch, the App becomes this Hub for all internal communications.
  • Examples of Items to Include in your Hub:
    • Announcement graphic
    • QR code to App Store for downloading
    • Short website URL
    • A few value points (why users should use the app)
    • Upcoming opportunities (App launch campaign items)


Recommendation #4: App Collateral

  • Print physical materials to promote throughout your company’s office location to enforce the availability of the new app. Printing materials provides a tangible channel for your employees to see the value of your app. Create documents that local managers can print-out and post on their sights, hand-out by hand, send via mail, or post in employee-traffic heavy areas, such as a break room or newsboard.
  • Examples of Collateral:
    • Banners
    • Posters
    • One page hand-outs
    • Cards
    • Table Tents (e.g. cafeteria area, break rooms)

    • Floor stickers


Recommendation #5: Link to the App in Your Email Signature

  • Post a link to your App in all communications, such as email signature. This should be especially utilized by managers, HR, or anyone else that communicates often with employees. Not only does this remind employees of the App every time they communicate with you, but it showcases that your company has an advanced communication platform to third parties.


Recommendation #6: Host a Contest or Giveaway

  • backstitch enables admin to see who the first users are and what actions users take. You can offer prizes to the first 10 to sign up, first 20, first 100, etc. or the first to partake in certain actions on the app (e.g. take survey, read Posts, comments, etc). This contest provides incentives to employees to download the application in a timely manner.
  • Examples:
    • Giveaway of company/app swag
    • Money
    • Gift cards
    • Lunch
    • Trips
    • Fitness tracker


Recommendation #7: Provide a Platform for Feedback from Users

  • Create an open channel for employees to communicate any problems, questions, or feedback they may have about the app. Make “Help” resources (e.g. the backstitch Knowledge Base or company-support contact’s email) easily accessible. This tactic assures your employees of your support and care for them. It calms any apprehension that employees may have toward the app.


Recommendation #8: Host Launch Events

  • Host events to get your employees excited about the App launch. Make it fun and, if possible, mandatory so that all employees are there to download the app. This occasion is a great way to boost morale and get your whole team or company to join at the same time. Hold an event countdown and include the message in all other app campaigns.
  • Event Ideas:
    • Lunch and Launch
    • Happy Hour
    • Apps & Apps
    • Donuts and Download
    • Ice Cream from IC


Recommendation #9: Give Out Pre-Launch Swag

  • Give out free swag to get your employees familiar with the app. Because who doesn’t love free stuff?
  • By giving out swag before the launch, employees receive another reminder about the app. Tangible items build your App brand and build company culture.
  • Swag Ideas:
    • T-shirts
    • Phone cases, card holders, branded pop-sockets
    • Coffee mugs or cups
    • Stickers